Please read. This is very important! How would you like to log into First In Math?
First In Math can remember you on this computer and log you in automatically.
When you're done using First In Math, just close the browser window or tab and we will remember your login on this machine and automatically log you in whenever you come back to the site. Click the Logout link in the main menu to change and forget your current login.
This is convenient, but please don't do this if you share this computer with other people.
You can log in to First In Math manually. 
Your user id and password credentials are: /********{{passwordShow}}
(Hover the mouse cursor over the hidden password to reveal it.)
Instead of your user id, you can also use your email address:
Please save this information in a secure place!
You can also use these credentials to log in to your account on other devices.
You should choose this option if you share this computer with other people.
It looks like you haven't yet chosen a display name.
In First In Math, the {{common.AppState.loginType == enums.LoginType.TeamLeader ? "teacher" : "principal or school admin" }} display name is a way for you to identify yourself to students in the program, in the same way you're known at school.
This is used, for example, so students can identify you in messages that you send them and in rankings and reports.
You can choose any name you like, such as "Mr. Jones" or Mrs. S" or something more customized like "Teach" or "Doctor Z". It's totally up to you.
Please use the drop down to pick your display name from a list of common formats, or choose "Custom" and enter the text you'd like to use:
Display Name: